Monday, February 11, 2008

Fifty-One Students... One Year

Imagine with me for a moment...

The Wedgwood School office crowded with teachers getting ready for the onslaught of children at 9:05. Quickly greeting those around me I walked into the office attempting to join the line of teachers copying last minute "activity sheets". Suddenly, I hear my name and look up as the principal says, "Mary, may I speak with you for a moment in my office?" Every eye in the office is on me and the other teachers slowly part like the Red Sea. What did I do?

It turns out that I hadn't done anything wrong. She asked me if I would be willing to move from teaching the kindergarten class to teaching the 4 and 5th grade split class for the remainder of the year. So, now I'm teaching a 4/5th class...

It's absolutely wonderful... ridiculously busy, though I am sure that you all are. They didn't tell us how to teach one class with two different grades. It's been an adventure- all five weeks of it.

Funny story from my short time with kindergarteners:

Kindergarten - Drawing Pictures on the First Day of School
Me: What is your picture about Moses?
Moses: Well... I'm trying to copy the essence of Dali.
Me: Um... like Salvador Dali?!
Moses: Yes. And I also like Pollock.

Hope that everything is going well for all of you.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Cohort A... a distant memory?

I had forgotten. When I seems that others had forgotten as well. I'm glad to have been a part of this blog, and hope that we can continue to try to find the time in our busy lives to breath and vent.

If you want to tell a teacher story and your friends/coworkers/roommates/spouse/partner/(fill in the blank!) is tired of them or otherwise unavailable... I'd love to listen.

Here's one:

3rd Grade: Friday, last moments of a hectic day.

One of my third grade girls enters the room during our final moments (our lockers are out in the hall so the kids have to go out and pack up and then come back in to line up). She comes in the door, holding something above her head, and calls out to everyone who is willing to hear or listen: "WHAT IS THIS!?" I glance over and do a double-take. Do my eyes deceive me, or is this young girl holding up an object of feminine hygiene that most men won't even come within the same aisle of in the grocery store? Yes indeed, a partly opened... ahem... unfolded and growing in her hand. I make haste and take to her side, turning her away from the other students who are gaping. Some of my girls have, apparently, already had some form of Sex Ed. and giggle together... The boys are looking at the object in question and begin calling out to each other: "It's a diaper!" "No, it doesn't look like one, it's too small..." "It is! It's a diaper!"

With the poor child at my side, I ask her where she got the item of interest from. I fear that it is some sort of sick prank that another student has been playing. (Sounded more like a college-aged prank to me, but the thought came nonetheless.) I could tell that it had recently come out of its original packaging which, combined with her response, allowed me to rest easy: "I found it in my locker, I think it fell out of my backpack!"

I quickly tell her that she needs to put that away immediately and that she needs to stop asking what that is until she gets home and can ask her mom! I can hear the boys chittering away all the way down the hall and down the stairs to music class. One refuses to go. "I'll go after you tell me what that was!" Sorry bud, you'll find out in fifth grade!

Needless to say, it was definitely one of many five-minute-ordeals that begin and end, and ultimately begin to blend together into the loud chaos of memories and emotions that have made up my first year as a school teacher.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Hi Friends!

Hey everyone! I just wanted to see if any of you in Seattle (I wish I could be everywhere else you all are too) would like any random help in/for your classrooms! I am working at REI part-time and at the learning center after school, but I would still love to help out anyone who needs it! I couldn't really give anyone a specific time/date, but just throwing the idea out there! Even if you just need help cutting things out or putting packets together. Whatever =) I can only imagine how crazy-busy your first year is, so let me know if I can help! (Plus, it would be fun to see you!) Also, I had a random idea for a "reunion party" sometime during Christmas break! What do you think? Well, enjoy the rest of your weekend and have a great start to the week! Miss you all.
Love, Mykell

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Over your head, you say?

I feel for what you're going through MB. It sounds like you have your own Sam on your hands. I'd say that the girl must feel like there's a reason for her to work hard or to stay on task. Try to build a relationship and keep at it. It gets so old and so tiring- just know that you can't do it all on your own. Try to get some sort of assistance. It always helped having Darlene or Sue just to sit and provide input... maybe a volunteer (probably not a parent!) that can work with small groups.

I'm sure that Aimee and Jacqueline probably have much better ideas than I do... but in general for those toughies... Remember to start small and give loads of praise for the times they are doing well. I would set up an individual system that helps to keep them each accountable- a one size fits all may not work as well. I'm finding it difficult to come up with specific strategies that aren't so "duh" sounding! It's hard when they're so young! I'm thinking of a tracking type card, but instead of tracking discipline it could be a positive- look what you've accomplished this week... or a list of possible choices of things they could be working on when they're feeling distracted. Having a table or desk apart from others is a way to help those who are just distracted by others or always talking stay on task-- even though it somewhat goes against the philosophy of not trying to humiliate or set apart bad behavior... making it a sort of spectacle. Like I said, my brain can't think. :)

For the books: I suggest that you try to head something up with 1) PTA money- try to get a grant from them... I know it's a long shot, especially depending on your district/school. 2) Try with the parents. Have them send in any books that they can bear parting with or gift cards for book stores-- but money is better because you can shop old-stores and garage sales for lots cheaper than barnes and noble! 3) Hit up those book orders. Fairly new teachers with excellent collections told me that they had inherited some but really built up their library with book-order points. Keep your eye out for those. 4) Couldn't the other teachers spare some- ten here and ten there can really add up! I hope that helps... MB, Email me when you get a chance! I have a lot to talk to you about...

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

In over my head...

Hey fellow cohort A members!

I hope you all are having a great start to your school year! At one point during the day, I found myself actually wishing that I was back in student teaching, so that I wouldn't have to be the one in charge for a few minutes! It didn't last long, and overall I am sooo happy to have my own classroom. I have found myself missing the resources and supplies (especially manipulatives) that we had in our mentors classrooms, however. I have a great class of first graders! Some really bright ones, and three that are giving me a run for my money! I was wondering if you guys had suggestions on a few things:
1- I have a very very very small classroom library. All the other teachers are doing book bags that they send home with the kids every night. I don't have books to send home...any suggestions?
2- I have two distruptive off task students that I am working with, but another one who is not disruptive, and a really sweet kid, but is off task 90% of the time. I am forced to deal with the disruptive ones, but I am having a hard time with this kid, because it is easy to forget and let him be off task because he is not bothering anyone else. HELP!
3- Also, our team of first grade teachers are doing centers. If you have any math center or writing/ABC/reading center ideas and would be willing to share them let me know!

I hope that your classrooms are going well. I would love to hear about them!


Saturday, September 1, 2007

Happy First Week!

Hi Everyone! I just wanted to wish everyone a GREAT first week at school (I guess just the ones working in Seattle...) I have been thinking about you all and I know that you are, of course, going to be wonderful =) Thanks for all of the updates! I love hearing about everything that is going on... Enjoy the long weekend, and have fun on Tuesday!!!

Friday, August 24, 2007

DW's class...

This picture doesn't really have some of the cool stuff that I have in my class, but I'm putting it on anyway because you can see the high ceilings, huge windows, and old hardwood from my oh-so-old classroom. The other one is a picture of my door... looks inviting, right?!!

I just finished two days of New Teacher Orientation for all of SPS... I didn't see ONE other SPU Ed student.... Not even that one girl from Hartnett's class! :) Does anyone know of any other SPUers working in Seattle? I was pretty surprised! Enjoying my final weekend of freedom... except for the Welcome Back Picnic that ALL of my parents will be coming to!